Collaborative Projects
CP1: Nanoscale imaging of neural function in epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease
Investigator: Chung, Hee Jung, UIUC, Grant Number 5R01NS083402-05, 5R01NS097610-04, Funding Period: 5/15/2015-3/31/2020, 05/15/2016-04/30/2021
Description: The goal of the ongoing proposal (5R01NS083402, Role: PI) is to identify the molecular mechanisms of Kv7 axonal targeting and determine the roles that this targeting plays in neuronal excitability and plasticity. The goal of another proposal (5R01NS097610, Role: MPI) is to improve and apply high-resolution single-molecule fluorescence imaging technologies to dissect the mechanisms underlying abnormal synaptic plasticity in Alzheimer's disease.
Push: We will apply SLIM (TRD 1) to label-free investigations of mitochondria dynamics in axons of hippocampal neuronal culture during seizure-like activity. GLIM will be used to advance the mitochondria dynamics studies in neuronal axons in 3D spheroids during the development of temporal lobe epilepsy (TRDs 1, 3).
Pull: The Chung group is in need to study mitochondria dynamics in acute brain slices, which represents a new challenge for the Center. We will advance GLIM and AI for visualization of live brain slices with high penetration depth and axial resolution, with computational specificity to mitochondria.
CP2: Label-free single-cell imaging for quality control of cardiomyocyte biomanufacturing
Investigator: Melissa Skala, Morgridge Institute for Research, NHLBI Grant Number 5R01 HL165726, Funding Period: 4/1/2023-3/31/2027
Description: The goal of the current NIH-funded proposal is to develop label-free microscopy and computational models to monitor the quality of cardiomyocytes (CMs) differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to improve human cardiovascular health. The non-invasive multiphoton microscopy based optical metabolic imaging (OMI) approach exploits the intrinsic fluorescence intensity and fluorescence lifetime of the metabolic co-enzymes NADH and FAD to image changes over time in iPSC-CM metabolism that correlate with maturation state in a touch-free system (Fig. 1). This approach can non-invasively identify maturation state at the single cell level, which is needed to improve iPSC-CM biomanufacturing and advance health care applications of these cells.
Push: CLIMB will utilize and promote its fast FLIM approaches and quantitative full-field phase-resolved OCM technologies to track the dynamic behavior and metabolic transients of cardiomyocytes. The goal is to resolve these fast changes with high-speed high-resolution imaging to understand these dynamics.
Pull: The partners on this Collaborative Project will challenge CLIMB to develop and refine its fast imaging technologies, coupled with fast computational analysis methods, to provide new perspectives and understanding of fast biological processes in not only cardiomyocytes but also highly dynamic cells such as neurons.
CP3: Dynamic Imaging of 3D Organoid Physiology
Investigator: Roger Kamm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Grant Number 5U01CA214381-02A1, Funding Period: 9/1/17-8/31/22
Description: The goal of this research is to extend the capabilities and extensively evaluate a novel in vitro tumor model assay to study tumor immune responses directly in patient samples using both melanoma and thyroid cancer specimens. Samples are introduced into a microfluidic system containing a 3D matrix and tested for their response to immune checkpoint blockage treatments.
Push: The technology developed in TRDs 1, 3 will enable visualization of tumor fragments in label-free conditions. We will deploy GLIM to enable both assessing tumor response and, in combination with the numerical methods of TRD 3, allow the identification of different cell types within the cluster, and over time.
Pull: In order to study viability, we aim to monitor individual nuclei over long periods of time. The fluorescence imaging data from MIT will be shared such that the AI tools in TRD 3 will be optimized for computational specificity, in order to identify the different cell populations present, especially various types of immune cells.
CP4: Deep-learning-enabled goggles for image-guided surgery
Investigator: Sam Achilefu, University of Texas Southwestern; Grant Number 1R01EB030987-01A1; Funding Period: 4/1/2021-12/31/2024.
Description: The ability to probe molecular processes noninvasively or using tissue-selective imaging agents and nanoparticles has made it possible to localize, identify the stage, and determine the functional status of pathological lesions.(1) The challenges in detecting cancer particularly have driven the development of diverse imaging technologies. While earlier cancer imaging methods enabled preoperative evaluation, the need to track and visualize cancer location in the operating room itself has ushered in new systems capable of providing concurrent images of cancer during surgery. Intraoperative use of conventional clinical imaging modalities is often limited by bulky hardware design, prohibitive cost, lack of real-time image display, and compatibility with conventional hardware interfaces.(2) For these reasons, focus on fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) devices has increased to take advantage of real-time, high-resolution, functional imaging with hardware that has become increasingly amenable to miniaturization.(3) In particular, the adaptation of wearable devices for FGS presents hands-free capability for optimal navigation during cancer surgery.
This project will 1) develop and validate an automated fluorescence thresholding algorithm for tumor delineation; 2) develop and validate automated registration of augmented reality in the system; and 3) develop and evaluate clinical software to improve user experience. The deep-learning tools developed at CLIMB will enable real-time detection and classification of suspicious lesions, with an order of magnitude boost in computational time.
Push: The Center will deploy the AI tools developed in TRD 3.1 for semantic segmentation and classification of tumor margins based on NIR fluorescence images. The goal is to achieve inference and tumor margin detection real-time.
Pull: The Collaborators will challenge the Center to expand the image-to-image translation algorithms (TRD 3.1) and biomarker development (TRD 3.3) and investigate whether the NIR fluorescence can be predicted from the color image channel provided by the instrument developed at the Achilefu Lab.
CP5: Cell-level 3D label-free nanoscopy
Investigator: Krishna Agarwal, UiT The Arctic Univesity of Norway; Grant Number: ERC-STG 804233, Funding Period: 7/2019 – 6/2024
Description: The aim of this ERC project is to develop a label-free imaging technology that supports <100 nm resolution in 3D over a sample height of 10 um and square area of approximately 30 um. Toward this goal, we will develop a nonlinear inverse electromagnetic scattering solver to reconstruct the refractive index profile from intensity-only measurements. In order to show the proof-of-principle, we will collaborate with an autophagy or cardiovascular biology expert for imaging mitophagy processes in epithelial cancer cells (HeLa) and cardiomyocytes (H9C2) cells.
Push: We will apply GLIM at UiT to extend label-free imaging to thick specimens and combine the data with those from cell-level 3D label-free nanoscopy obtained by ERC starting grant (EU Horizon 2020) and FRIPRO Young Talent grant (Research Council of Norway). AI tools (PICS) for SLIM/GLIM technology (TRDs 1, 3) will be implemented into the projects at UiT and its network of biological collaborators to achieve molecular specificity without the restrictions of fluorescence.
Pull: The UiT group will challenge the CLIMB team to obtain label-free superresolution performance from SLIM and GLIM imaging, real-time, to study pathophysiology in cancer cell models. Correlative fluorescence nanoscopy modality for GLIM technology will enhance the specificity by providing a large database for PICS training, testing and optimization.
CP6: Nanoscale nuclear architecture measured by phase imaging with computational specificity (PICS) for cancer risk prediction
Investigator: Yang Liu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Grant Number: 1R01CA232593-01A1, Funding Period: 4/2019 – 3/2024
Description: We are developing a reliable risk taxonomy of nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping (nanoNAM) markers that are associated with CRC progression, and rigorously validate their ability to consistently predict CRC progression risk in the context of colorectal adenoma.
Push: We will apply PICS, developed in TRDs 1, 3 to identify the nuclei with high specificity from our label-free imaging of unstained tissue slides. Once the map of nuclei is identified, we will perform nanoscale tissue architecture measurements (e.g., disorder parameters, spatial correlations) to improve the performance of the CRC progression risks prediction.
Pull: The Liu group will push the AI + SLIM as an end-to-end solution for inferring automatically risk progression information. Toward this end, the Liu group we will share data and analysis back to the center, which will allow the development of AI models for outputting directly a risk metric from a label-free image input.
CP7: Using quantitative morphology information to extract robust IR spectra for histopathology
Investigator: Andre Balla, UIC; Grant Number EB029766, Funding Period: 2019-09-20 to 2022-05-30
Description: The goal of the existing project is to combine novel chemical imaging measurements with morphological measurements to provide label-free pathology.
Push: We will use the technology developed in TRD projects 1-3 to take advantage of the high-resolution morphological data and complementary information available. The technology developed in TRD 1 will be used provide a detailed morphological basis to understand the origin of molecular signatures. We will apply the techniques developed for translation in TRDs 1-3 as we seek to improve the throughput of our imaging and accuracy of patient outcome prediction.
Pull: One major challenge is to test the hypothesis that SLIM+AI can return chemical data with similar specificity as IR, but with a 1,000x throughput boost. The Bhargava group will provide new ground truth chemical imaging data for characterizing the chemistry behind the morphology. They will also bring well-characterized samples and AI infrastructure developed to classify images.
CP8: In vivo analysis of mammalian fertilization
Investigator: Irina Larina, Baylor College; Grant Number 5R01EB027099-02; Funding Period: 12/1/2019-11/30/2022.
Description: This study is taking advantage of new technological developments in OCT imaging and will allow for quantitative assessment of reproductive processes in vivo in mouse models. We are studying hormonal regulation of oviduct cilia beating and muscle contractions, and functional analysis of fertility failures in mouse models of human defects. This study will likely provide new insight on the process of mammalian fertilization in its native state and lead to a better understanding of pathologies resulting in infertility.
Push: The imaging methods developed in TRD 1, 2 and computational algorithms developed in TRD 3 will be integrated for optimized analysis of cilia beat frequency and individual sperm tracking in the Fallopian tube in vivo.
Pull: The methods developed at the Center will enhance the outcomes of Aims 3-4 of the existing project to investigate normal cilia beat frequency and determine functional consequences of hormonal regulations and genetic disruptions of fertility in vivo.
CP9: Multiparametric Imaging of Collagen Rich Tumor Microenvironments
Investigator: Kevin Eliceiri, University of Wisconsin-Madison, NCI Grant Number 5U54 CA268069, Funding Period: 12/9/2021-11/30/2026
Description: The goal of the current NIH-funded project is to develop label-free computational imaging methods to quantitate the role of the collagen rich tumor microenvironment (TME) in cancer invasion and progression. This research involves the development and application of optical approaches such as second harmonic generation (SHG), polarization microscopy, fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM) and software tools for the precise quantitation of the impact of collagen organization on cell behavior in the TME. Previously, the Eliceiri lab with colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison discovered Tumor Associated Collagen Signatures (TACSs, types 1-3) that are not only indicative of tumor progression but also demonstrated them to be directly correlated to patient survival in breast cancer (Figure 1), pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, and colorectal cancer. TACSs are characterized by not only individual fiber properties but also fiber density, and fiber alignment between fibers or with respect to the tumor boundary. A recent review by the Eliceiri lab on the role of collagen organization in cancer summarizes that while there are fourteen cancers with a known pathological role for collagen topology, there is a great need for improved imaging characterization and quantitation of these candidate biomarkers. In particular there is a poor understanding of the links between cancer cell metabolism and collagen alignment and orientation as an indication of disease severity and potential for metastasis. A focus of the current grant is to study the interplay between the extracellular matrix structure and the metabolism of cancer and immune cells.
Push: The Center will deploy its multimodal label-free nonlinear and linear imaging capabilities to more fully interrogate different types of collagen and their organization and structure in various living tissues. The goal is to better understand how collagen forms and organizes in states of health and disease, particularly in cancer.
Pull: The Collaborators will challenge CLIMB personnel to integrate more label-free technologies (Raman, GLIM, SLAM, FLIM, PS-OCT/OCM) that capture not only the nonlinearly-induced contrast from collagen fibers but also the polarization-based scattering features, and do so in various tissue types (breast, brain), and following various interventions or perturbations of the tissue and cells.
CP10: Nanoscale biological artificial intelligence (*NanoAI)
Investigator: Dilip Prasad, UiT: The Arctic University of Norway, Research Council of Norway, Enabling Technology project, Funding Period: 12-2021 to 11-2026
Description: *NanoAI proposes a novel artificial intelligence (AI) framework that allows development of data analysis solutions for microscopy and nanoscopy generated data. Within the *NanoAI project duration, AI solutions for two problems, namely high content data analytics in tissues and event identification in living cells, will be developed. They will be tested on cardiac tissues and living cardiac cells for mitochondrial processes as a use case for proof-of-concept.
Push: We will use the 3D label-free data with and without chemical specificity to model the tissue structures and organoid structures of the samples in the lab. The existing PICS at CLIMB center also aligns with virtual staining for organelle specific data augmentation for AI methods. We will further use our AI techniques for information extraction from the 3D datasets created using SLAM systems. With a plethora of variety of microscopes at CLIMB center, we may also explore microscope to microscope translation.
Pull: The BioAI group at UiT will challenge the CLIMB center to design biological studies to exploit shape based lean AI models for morphological analysis and event detection in living cells and tissues. Further the BioAI group will challenge the CLIMB center to validate the evidences created by AI about mechanisms underlying the biological processes in living cells and tissues. Lastly, the BioAI group will challenge CLIMB center to impart interpretability to microscopy image AI analysis using diverse microscopy modalities.
CP11: Label-free microscopy assessment of chromatin texture in anal lesions
Investigator: Dongkyun Kang, University of Arizona; Eric Yang, Stanford Medicine Grant Number: 1R01EB036693-01, Funding Period: 01/2025-12/2028
Description: The goal of the ongoing project (1R01EB036693-01) is to develop a probe-based light sheet microscopy (LSM) device for label-free imaging of anal lesions in vivo, with the goal of aiding anal cancer screening. In this collaborative project between CLIMB, University of Arizona, and Stanford University, we will evaluate the chromatin texture differences between anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) 2, an anal precancer, and its benign mimics, including reactive squamous metaplasia. Findings from this collaborative project will serve as the foundation for developing an improved LSM probe for in vivo patient imaging and a low-cost bench microscope for guiding the decision on expensive, time-consuming immunohistochemistry staining.
Push: CLIMB will utilize its quantitative phase imaging methods (TRD 1) to image unstained slides of anal tissues. CLIMB will also image H&E-stained slides of anal tissues. The CLIMB center will analyze the chromatin texture differences between AIN2 and its mimics (e.g., reactive squamous metaplasia).
Pull: The research partners in this collaborative project challenge the CLIMB center to develop and refine its quantitative phase imaging technologies to reveal chromatic texture differences between AIN2 and its benign mimics, especially when imaging H&E-stained slides.